Home Church

 "...when we assemble together, one hath a psalm, one has a doctrine, a tongue, a revelation, an interpretation, letting all things be done unto edification". I Corinthians 14:26

CHRISTIAN HOME FELLOWSHIP, fellowship of believers who have returned to the Biblical way of Church, becoming the N.T. "church" body like God intended.
The Bible never instructs us to GO to church; Christ calls us to BE the church. The church is a body of believers, not some building that Christians meet in.  So, we must realize that no matter where we gather, the Kingdom of God is within us. If you find yourself in a place where you can't seem to find a church home, why not pray about starting a Home Church/Fellowship? You only need:
-A House to Meet in.
-A Desire to Share God's Word
-A Love for God & People

Advantages of Christian Home Fellowship:
-Our Leader is the Holy Ghost
-Our central authority is the Word of God
-Our "covering" is Jesus Christ
-Everybody is of Equal Importance
-Everybody has a Voice
-Family Atmosphere
-Casual & Informal
-Small Intimate Groups
-Warm Interaction
-No Titles and Positions (no one exalted over another)
-Freedom to be used in the Gift given by God
-Five Fold Leadership with Body Ministry
-Equipping of the Saints 
-Accountability to one another
-No Large Building Mortgage
-100% of Offerings and Tithes go to Ministries of Choice

Many ask, "But who is your covering?" Good question.
Most traditional church groups are "covered" by a denominational hierarchy. While such structures can be useful and do provide a degree of economic accountability, we believe spiritual accountability exists only in the kind of shared trust and mutual submission which is found in the context of personal relationships (see James 5:16 and Ephesians 5:12). Our "covering", therefore, is provided by Jesus Christ and those He's places in our circle who have earned our trust and respect, who "cover" us in prayer, and with whom we share permission to speak authoritatively into each others' lives.

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